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Changing balls during the game

Wed, Aug 12 2020 11:41 PM (52 replies)
  • BBeard5
    3 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 6:17 AM

    This is probably not a new question, but I'm a new player and so if it has ben discussed, my apologies for being redundant.

    I just put two balls in a row in the water. I wanted to change out the balls before I teed off, but could not. Since I pay real money for these, shouldn't I have the option to downgrade what I might hit into the water ?

    Thanks for some tips (other than don't hit it into the water) or other ways to handle this.

    Bill Beard (new HACK)

  • ScottHope
    10,655 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 12:26 PM

    Once you have started a game you cannot change your equipment during that game. The only change that may occur will be if you run out of paid for balls, in which case you will automatically be switched back to the WGT free ball (amusingly referred to in these forums as a 'rock').

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 12:37 PM

    the WGT free ball (amusingly referred to in these forums as a 'rock').


    Hey,  they worked for Fred.  ;-)

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 1:04 PM

    Just to reinforce what Scott said, this is from the FAQs --->

    "What happens if I run out of balls during a round?

    When you reach the hit limit for the ball you are using it will be replaced automatically with a new ball of the same type and color. If you do not have any more of the ball type and color in your inventory then the Basic ball will be inserted. The Basic ball is the ball provided to you when you first start playing WGT. Once you play with the Basic ball you cannot change balls during your round."

  • SplashLewis
    375 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 1:07 PM


    Once you have started a game you cannot change your equipment during that game. The only change that may occur will be if you run out of paid for balls, in which case you will automatically be switched back to the WGT free ball (amusingly referred to in these forums as a 'rock').

    Which is BS because i have various other balls of similiar specs.  Why potentially jack up my round by putting the worst ball in play?

  • ScottHope
    10,655 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 2:41 PM

    I'm sure one of our more knowledgeable posters will enighten us but it might be a rule IRL golfing that you can't change a ball type during a round.

    lol  @   now what club would that be, hmmm?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 2:47 PM

    shouldn't I have the option
    I'm afraid that you have only one single playing option in this game, the Mulligan. There's no other provision whatsoever. Balls are only one of these things.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 4:01 PM

    Scott - IRL the tournament committee has the right to impose what's called the "one ball" rule limiting the player to exactly the same ball brand, model and color for the duration of the round. WGT chose to implement the same in this game. My guess is that it's to (1) prevent players from changing balls each hole to one that is favorable on that particular hole, and (2) increase ball sales.

    IRL the player is disqualified if unable to continue with the same ball. Instead of the loss of green fees, tourney entry fees, etc. WGT gives us the option of buying more of those balls before the last one runs out (or is lost) OR finishing the round with the free ball. The free ball is a compromise with the IRL rule rather than just throw you out of the round.

    I don't mind the rule in ranked rounds because I always make sure my golf bag is stocked with enough equipment prior to a round but I do wish they would not enforce it in practice rounds. As IRL, it would be nice to use the mulligan feature to compare different balls in different situations. No "one ball" rule in practice would greatly help people learn the game play and the equipment.

  • ScottHope
    10,655 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 5:05 PM

    Thanks for that srellim, nice one.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 5:34 PM



    Once you have started a game you cannot change your equipment during that game. The only change that may occur will be if you run out of paid for balls, in which case you will automatically be switched back to the WGT free ball (amusingly referred to in these forums as a 'rock').


    Which is BS because i have various other balls of similiar specs.  Why potentially jack up my round by putting the worst ball in play?

    You have the option, once on your last ball, to buy another sleeve...if you choose not to it's on you...not BS.