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Player makes weird shots...?

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Fri, Jul 6 2012 10:42 PM (7 replies)
  • philnick93
    196 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 12:12 PM

    Hi, I've had this problem a few times now and it's very annoying: Sometimes when I hit a perfect shot, i.e. hit the meter so that it says "excellent" the ball doesn't go in the direction that I aimed at all. I've thought about reasons for this like wind, but it always happened when there was no considerable wind. Is this just a mistake in the program or how can you explain that? It gets really annoying, e.g. yesterday I was -1 at 18 of Congressional and the ball went 30 yards left of where it should have gone, into the water. Please help!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 1:17 PM

    It's your clubs, Phil. That oddity is what's called deviation. The precision of the club is what minimizes that occurrence and you have the least accurate ones. Every club in the Pro Shop does the same thing to a degree. Obviously, the better the club the less the deviation and you can tell this by looking at the clubs' specs. Look at the number of precision dots you have. The best ones have 4 1/2. 

    Before you cry "Foul!" understand this is a game but a business too. Spending $ on equipment is how it works and the choice will always be yours. You can have a good time living with the free ones or buy some better ones and get serious. GL


  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 1:36 PM




    Happy hitting

  • philnick93
    196 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 1:36 PM

    Thanks for your response. I didn't realise that some clubs are more precise than others and thought that the main differences between cheap and expensive clubs are mainly the distance and then maybe spin, control, meter speed etc. It's obviously fair that people who spend money have better clubs, but this should be limited to what I've named in the previous sentence. I want to play "seriously", as you say, and I manage quite well even though my clubs don't hit far (which is something you can deal with by good short game) but in my opinion, it's just unfair when the club "decides" to hit the ball into the lake.

  • philnick93
    196 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 2:11 PM

    cheers :)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 3:36 PM

    Totally forgot a I had that bookmarked, Soul. Good link.

    7 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 9:32 PM

    well said!

  • cadwallater
    24 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 10:42 PM

    When my dad taught me to play Golf, back in the 1950's when I was in High School, there used to be an old timer on the course from time to time, lugging around a bag of clubs that must have come off the Ark.   We made fun of him a bit, but began to notice that with his assemblage of spoons, and jiggers, and mashie niblicks he managed to post a score equal to anything we could shoot with our so called modern clubs.   I was playing Haig Ultra irons with a D-6 swing weight, and persimmon head woods.    Clubs have certainly improved over the decades, and balls, and other gear, but I think the argument that you can cut five or six strokes off your game by improving your gear is probably overstated.  So I think the argument that certain clubs are more accurate, and longer hitting is exaggerated.    Within limited parameters, an eight iron is an eight iron.   I can probably stick a shot as close to the pin with my old, iron shaft Haig as any "modern" golfer can manage with whatever club he deems superior.   But that debate will continue for as long as there is golf, I expect.   My difficulty in playing the courses on the WGT, which I hasten to add I enjoy very much, is trying to achieve the kind of precision demanded on these courses,  when the computer insists on continuing to throw my shots so far off target that there is no chance of playing a round in regulation.   I look at a shot, stretch the blue line down the fairway, view it from a couple of different angles, adjust for wind drift, and strike the ball.   Then I wind up careening off a cart path, or buried in the deep rough where the physics of flight insist my shot could not possibly have gone.   And I firmly believe that is not the fault of the club I am using.  Then I wonder how we managed to put a man on the moon with the rudimentary computers in use that year, and cannot, with all all our modern gear and speed, manage to keep a simple golf shot on target.   Really frustrating.   My shortcomings as a golfer are no doubt to blame, but I believe the computer plays an important part.    We live in hope that our next eagle, or hole in one is out there waiting for us somewhere on the course,  and imagine our frustration when we know we have struck the right shot, only to see it rocket off into the wild blue yonder.   am I alone in this problem, or does anyone else have the same difficulty is aiming his shots?   Thanks very much.