
Spielen Sie Wolf Creek auf WGT

Play Wolf Creek Free Online

(loch unten wählen)
  1. Loch 1
  2. Loch 2
  3. Loch 3
  4. Loch 4
  5. Loch 5
  6. Loch 6
  7. Loch 7
  8. Loch 8
  9. Loch 9
  10. Loch 10
  11. Loch 11
  12. Loch 12
  13. Loch 13
  14. Loch 14
  15. Loch 15
  16. Loch 16
  17. Loch 17
  18. Loch 18
  19. 19th hole

Über Wolf Creek Golf Club

Wolf Creek-Überblick

The detail of the striped emerald green fairway lined with brilliant white sand bunkers lets you know that Wolf Creek is a special place. As you navigate the elevation drops and wandering canyons, you'll be amazed with the picturesque beauty of the course.

Wolf Creek-Statistiken

Dennis Rider, John Rider
Black 75.4 rating 6,939 yards
Blue 70.9 rating 6,309 yards
White 68.2 rating 5,798 yards
Yellow 65.7 rating 5,064 yards
Red 61.0 rating 4,101 yards

Wolf Creek-Veranstaltungen

Golf Digest Fans' Choice Award 2011

Website von Wolf Creek besuchen

Wolf Creek auf WGT

Wolf Creek Die letzten Highscores auf WGT

64 Jan 14 Winnah3
74 Jan 14 Aaronrodgers07
74 Jan 14 18maddogmagrann