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Re: my credits are robbed anytime

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 24 2012 9:26 AM (2 replies)
  • nyl7
    6 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 3:35 PM

    i finish a game skin challenge and i win 7 skins  356 credits one player disconected and wgt kicked me the game and i lost that credits  this is 4th time that i happened by wgt error.

    if wgt dont remove me the credits i call to the consumer office and i try to push one juditial requirement. wgt robbed me 1236 credits in 4 games

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 9:39 PM


    i finish a game skin challenge and i win 7 skins  356 credits one player disconected and wgt kicked me the game and i lost that credits  this is 4th time that i happened by wgt error.

    if wgt dont remove me the credits i call to the consumer office and i try to push one juditial requirement. wgt robbed me 1236 credits in 4 games


    did you have a chance to submit a detailed bug report via right clicking on the game screen? we have seen it happen randomly and I have been asking for these reports, without which, it may be very hard to track the issue.

    did it kick you the 5 lobby or did the game crash? was there any error message?

    thank you


  • nyl7
    6 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2012 9:26 AM

    i donn`t know that it happened all 4 games was blocked

    2 games kicked me in the first hole the game told me : " wgt error , sorry and thanks for playing  close this window and try another time" i lost 300+ 300 = 600 credits of my purchase.

    1 game i purchase 300 credits and in the 8 hole of front9 st andrews i win 2 up and the same, the game kicked me and told me the same message.

    and yesterday i win 6 skins and in the lasrt hole i will be win another skin and one  of the players had disconnected and the game return to the first hole, but i try to hit and  the game was blocked, finally i try to picked up the ball and the game kicked me with the same message. if yo see my count i pay for credits to buy balls and clubs. i lost more challenge games but in that 4 i have been win credits and at the end i lost all credits. if wgt have any problems with the server i think wgt need a big revision to this error. i think that more players happened the same to happened me