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Re: Its been sometime,,

Mon, Apr 23 2012 6:58 PM (2 replies)
  • BigArnL
    851 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 6:26 PM

    Its been sometime since I last talked of this, but due to the fact, no other idea has come to the front, why not have a bag for those single extra ball's?Then, those that match, will come together as will all alike balls. or an option to select the ball we choose to play from our bag?. I'd like to use'm up, instead of accumalating, such a large selection to have to rifle through, yaKnow?

     Oh yes- like to say thanks for all you do! &



  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 6:50 PM

    It makes sence from a user's pov, but not from WGT's pov.

    It's only going to have a negative affect on their takings

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 6:58 PM

    I totally agree with you both. Now what I do is use them for multi play CC tourneys only, oh & hope I remember to change when I join a MP game, which at my age isn't as simple as it sounds.