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Re: Hello All

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Wed, Mar 24 2010 12:24 PM (6 replies)
  • TheWingnut
    3 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 1:57 PM

    Newbie here and I am trying to figure out how to get me credits to upgrade my bag. I don't gamble and I just play for fun not to be high money winner or anything. Like my real game I save up a little money at a time until I can buy new stuff. Any advice would be nice.



  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 10:51 AM

    Credits can be awarded for advancement...   they can be bought... and they can be won in tournaments/ready go's.

    Best to get a good feel for the game before you start packing your bag with all the top end goodies.

    This game has a bit of a learning curve and what's right for your neighbor may not be right for you....

    Other than that.. welcome and enjoy your stay.


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Mar 23 2010 5:02 AM

    ^  Welcome... Good info from snaike

  • TheWingnut
    3 Posts
    Tue, Mar 23 2010 3:34 PM

    Thanks for the advise. I do really need a new short stick those three putts are killing me.

    701 Posts
    Tue, Mar 23 2010 4:23 PM

    64 degree wedge,please get one.

    Welcome to the site,it's all good.

    Keep Swinging...

  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 11:31 AM
    HI there to all players..I no I have written some posts on here..but Have only did it to follow suit sort of speakon an isue or two or offer my advice.. and do not like to ever call no one down..but have got a bit angry at some players ..but have put my comment to them on there wall ..never on these forums..but in the overall play of the game it is such a fantastic golf game..I cannot thank wgt enough for the way it was created and put on to the computer and I so much like the friend invite system and the create game, and join group, functions as well as to be able to chat to a player almost instantly from around the world..I do like the fact that I can if good enough win credits on the challenges ..If I one day play well enough.. and love to play a good game of golf..and find that in a lot of ways much like playing a real game..ty again wgt..this is a praise to you post, and hope one day it is read by your staff as all do a wonderfull job in my opinion..ty for listening to me your ..friend theshortdriver
  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 12:24 PM

    "This game has a bit of a learning curve and what's right for your neighbor may not be right for you"....

    I agree with Snaike totally and would add my 2 cents and say.... When the time comes get a Driver 1st to get a lil more depth off the tee. The starter clubs can be used for awhile until you get the hang of things. For me personally I got the putter 1st then the Driver, and looking back... regret that decision.

    best of luck