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Tue, Apr 24 2012 7:26 PM (0 replies)
  • Manic666
    7 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2012 7:26 PM

    Firstly I would like to congratulate WGT for having such a fantastic game available to everyone for free , It really is a pleasure to play here .

    My reason for making this post is to ask for more avatars to be available .

    I am a new member and already i am getting fed up with playing the same clones every day , i havent played a single member twice yet but have played with the same avatars every day . this is spoiling the game as i am made to feel like a clone , and get to play with other clones . The only way to avoid this feeling is to have more avatars available so all members can add their own individuality to it . Then members can play for weeks , even months if more avatars were available without playing the same avatar .

    Individual avatars are a good way of giving members feelings of expression and individuality  . Pricing avatars between 25cr - 300cr also allows new members to afford them and when they feel individual they are happier and will keep coming back for more .

    Avatars could be locked until you reached a certain level , every 10 levels unlocks another 100 avatars . This in turn would be making the game rewarding for longer serving members and again , giving them recognition and individuality .

    I really believe WGT are sitting on a gold mine and would receive 1000`s more credits from members  for avatars . We dont keep the same clothes on every day in RL as it would become boring , it is the same with this game and this game is being held back by not making 100`s of avatars available .

    I hope that WGT realise what they are sitting on ( a gold mine ) and make 100`s of avatars available in the near future .

    Sorry for going on a bit , but it is only because I care about this game that i have said what I have . Please leave a reply/comment to this post expressing your opinions , I am looking forward to reading them .

    Rgds to all ,
