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High Resolution (2560x1600) Photos, At Least 1920x1080

Wed, Apr 25 2012 3:11 PM (0 replies)
  • JamesLimborg
    11 Posts
    Wed, Apr 25 2012 3:11 PM

    Computer monitors (and resolution) have increased in size and so should WGT's photos.  WGT's photos do not fit the wide (16:9) aspect ratio (which most computer monitors are today), and are over-compressed/blurry (especially the avatars with large jagged edges around the avatar's bodies).  I have a DELL U3011 30" monitor with a 2560x1600 screen resolution and it would be nice if when I set the options to BEST quality I get to see the photos at my native resolution with no more than 10% compression applied to the photos (so the photos remain sharp, not blurry).