Well this person is using the name of my country, its flag and good reputation. On top of that has he taken the United Nations Logo for his LoL club.
I will not comment, only observe.
Why should I not use the danish flag, when I am living in Denmark and see myself as a Dane? How do you think that I make the reputation of Denmark bad? Because I don't write perfect english? Or that I does not yet speak very good danish? You should know that I work hard to learn these languages.
(and in case you don't know: The rules of WGT is such that you cannot use a flag from another country than the one you're living in...)
I am trying to put the danish flag on the top of the WGT page. Why don't you support me instead of complaining?
I use the United Nations Logo for my CC because it is an international club and I am an international person. I am not a racist and I welcome people from all over the world.
Jeg håber, at du giver mig en undskyldning for, at du sådan sviner mig til i al offentlighed uden grund...