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Let us have Virtual caddy Settings

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 1 2012 1:38 AM (0 replies)
  • RootsRo
    419 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 1:38 AM


    Wouldn't it be nice to have settings for your virtual caddy. At the moment our virtual caddy selcts the wrong club or putter scale 85% of the time. The 15% it gets it rigth = 10% it gets it right when teeing of and selecting the driver and 5% it guesses right.

    I would like to be able to have my own settings for my virtual caddy.

    For example :  

    • My caddy selects my Cleveland 100 yrd wedge because i need too shoot between 85 and 105 yrds and i told him to use that club. 
    • Or my Burner PW pops up when i want to shoot 106/127ish yrds.

    Same with the putter scale 

    • 1 to 5 yrds = 2 ft scale. 
    • 5 to 10 yrds = 5 ft scale. 
    • 10+ yards = 10ft scale in my case

    This will save a lot of rants, sighs, WTF's, icon apologizing, WGT caddy's being flamed/fired/shot/eaten by bigfoot or chocked with one of Yancy's Haribo bags and what not.

    Greets RoostRo