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rated by 0 users
Wed, May 2 2012 5:25 PM (1 replies)
  • Andromedarus1
    55 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 6:22 AM

    Dear WGT, 

    It would be nice if CC Owners could have the ability to create the same types of games you have on your play home page for their CC's. 

    1. For instance, we would like to run some team competitions, i.e much like your alternative shot game in the club. Currently we can only choose between stroke play or closest to the hole which is really a bit boring.

    2. We would also like to see games where both scores of a two ball team count and the full game for each individual is played out with a scoring option similar to a four ball, better ball competition i.e. the best scores for the team per hole counts.

    3. We would like to participate in a type of Ryder Cup competition where teams from different countries team up and shoot it out. 

    Items 2 and 3 above should also be included in the general WGT repertoire for all the masses to play. 

    Speaking of boring. Only so few courses? Man, I think it is high time that WGT expand their courses. Please guys, I am sure it will be appreciated by many fans. 

    O, and how about some reward to the fastest growing club? I started my club on 26 March and by end April I had over 200 members. Maybe a mention in the spotlight section with some credits to the owner?

    Regards, ANDRO



    5,835 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 5:25 PM

    Just add your ideas to the LONG LIST of existing ideas that have been requested since Adam was a boy.



    /close thread.