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Re: Tiers

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 28 2010 10:05 AM (4 replies)
  • CShepherd32
    3 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 10:32 AM


    Ive only joined WGT and thoroughly enjoying the game. Hats off to the creators, its a great concept which Im sure will only get bigger in the future.

    Even though ive only been playing a few days, ive gone up to the pro tier, which sounded good at the time, but now think I got promoted too quickly, and didnt get enough time in the amateur tier. The only problem is I am now struggling to get anywhere near the top 70 to gain credits, in fact im struggling getting into the top 2070. I know a lot of people will say "sore loser", but wouldnt it be better to put in more tiers or handicaps as soon as possible to enable more people to push for credits instead of struggling through and not being able to compete for things. After all, if you know you are in with a chance of winning something, it makes the game a lot more enjoyable. If you are stuck on a certain tier, not competing, the game is less appealing.

    Anyway, keep up the great work, and I will keep practising and hopefully start moving up the leaderboard.

    Cheers, Craig

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 3:35 PM

    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your comments.  We will be offering at least one more tier in the future to help spread out the competitiveness a little bit.  =)

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 3:54 PM

    I also think the advancement to Pro goes a little fast, but I understand why it was done that way as well, there are a couple very good valid reasons. 

    Maybe there should even be two more, one for Legends and one in between Amateur and Pro (of course cutting down on the sandbagging makes this 2nd one less important). 

  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 4:38 PM

    Hi CShepard.  My very first post on this forum was "turned Pro too fast?"  so I know exactly what you are going through.  However, let me state this.  The Pro Tier is by far the most fun tier here as far as gameplay and self improvement goes.  This is when you will really start to learn the game well.  Have fun with it while it lasts.

  • CShepherd32
    3 Posts
    Sun, Mar 28 2010 10:05 AM

    I will battle on regardless and try to improve as quickly as possible, got to improve my chipping tho, better at it in real life.

    Thanks for the quick responses