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Sun, May 20 2012 11:21 PM (19 replies)
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  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, May 6 2012 7:01 AM

    Carlos why are you being rude to people that are trying to help you? They are clearly trying to help you over the slower tournament greens. If you didn't know already (you probably didn't), there are two different tournament greens - regular and Legend. This tournament is on regular tournament greens, so follow RUNWME's tip and stop ripping at people. 

  • Acrux
    393 Posts
    Sun, May 6 2012 7:36 AM


    OK boys looks like your head doesn`t work good , and now is a New Zeland one, please read again:


    Use your eyes to read and your head to think about what you had read.After a several times if you still don`t understand that this advice is for WGT AND SOME OTHER PLAYERS THAT CAN BE CONFUSED

    the New Zealand 1 s not a boy

    just saying

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, May 6 2012 7:57 AM

    Use your eyes to read and your head to think about what you had read.

    You should use your own advice when reading reply's to your posts.

    The forum is no way to get a point across to WGT. Its like speaking to the deaf. Be sure to put WGTadmin in the subject box when you e-mail WGT. You may get a more expeditious response.

    Also, be sure to read the "Courtesy and Respect" portion of the community guidlines before posting in the future.

    1,011 Posts
    Sun, May 6 2012 8:56 AM

    I'd love to see greens listed with specific stimpmeter ratings

    Then math minded players would know exactly how hard to hit puts on specific rated greens. In leau of that wgt provides an approximate speed  rating that works well for most players.

    Since we know Championship greens can be insane fast down to Legend tourney speeds, and  tourney greens range goes down to VF speeds here is a tip for you that Im sure most top players employ.    

    1.  On the first hole, hit with extra power of the next slower green speed and be attentive to how much speed the ball carries into the hole or how far past the hole it rolls. This will insure you get to the hole as its a cardinal sin to leave a putt short.   Sure if  its on the high end of scale speed you may have a 5ft comeback putt but shouldn't be a big deal.

    Hope that helps


  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2012 1:36 PM


    MB use your eyes to read and  your head to think about what you had read.After a several times if you still don`t understand that this advice is for WGT and some other players that can be confused as me at the first moment for thinking that i`m playing in a "real tournement speed green" when is not true. The greens are faster than a very fast and slower than tournement, That`s what i want to tell to WGT and some other players.


    Although you're right about it not being "true" tournament speed, I find, that whenever I use the math for "Very Fast Greens" - that works out pretty well.

    If you want to rant and get WGT to fix something, could you PLEASE make them come up with some sort of aid for my button finger? PLIIIIIZ!

    Seems to me I can do an almost perfect round - and then my clicky finger suddenly decides it can play better than I can. So it will twitch and click and jump in excitement - making me go from below par to 3-4-5-6+ - both on front9, back9 and full18.

    Now theres something to fix. ;) Just sayin'

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2012 2:57 PM


    I'd love to see greens listed with specific stimpmeter ratings

    Wow, that is ambitious, cross product of vectors.   Also, very ambiguous, since we can donote the following


    Then it becomes messy when adding Sin and cosines into the equation and adding initial velocity, CF (coefficient of friction) and g (gravitational coefficient), then taking the above equation and putting it in differential form.  With, that mess, I might be able to putt my putt, next week, sometime.  Just use Dianne's table, less messy


  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2012 5:24 PM


     Just use Dianne's table, less messy

    LOLOL Stinger! He does use my tables and notes and pictures and spreadsheet  !!!!

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2012 5:37 PM

    Usually, when you are hitting from shorter tees, green speed tends to be that of a lower tier, like Tour Master...

  • sammey1
    703 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 3:53 PM

    Is Kim Jong Il playing in this tournament? Someone carded a 49 lol. I don't think there is anything in the Pro Shop that will help me compete.

    1,011 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 11:21 PM


    Is Kim Jong Il playing in this tournament? Someone carded a 49 lol. I don't think there is anything in the Pro Shop that will help me compete.

    Its from your pro tier tees but legends playing in it with the best gear available.   25 players are at 52 or lower and its going to take a 51 to make the cut. Play in it and have fun but you are correct, there is no equipment available to your level that is going to help you even make it into  top  225 players who are all 56 or lower.

    These conditions are pretty rare and are  fun for masters-legends when they do come around.  Kinda like Tiger Woods teeing off from the ladies tees with unlimited restarts and 0 fatigue factor.

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