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Re: Single Play Qualifying

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 8 2012 6:19 AM (1 replies)
  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 5:54 AM

    I don't know how the rest feel about this but as of yesterday the cut for the US Open qualifier was 68.  Today the cut is 63 and by the time everything is all said and done the cut will probably be in the mid-50's.  To me that is a bit rediculous....

    Why not single play qualifying with potentially 2 or 3 rounds?  Players can practice all they want prior to qualifying but once they decide to go out on the course and qualify they only have 2-3 chances.  It would certainly be more exciting as far as I'm concerned.

    What do the rest think??

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 6:19 AM

    I agree that would work and would make for a much higher cut line. 

    But.....and this has been discussed ad nausem in the past - the amount of money (in balls used) that WGT will earn on unlimited Open qualifier rounds will be enormous.  So....the format will more than likely remain the same, no matter how many times people complain and post on the forum.....

    So - just play the Qualifier if you want to - play it as many times as you want to,  in short work within the framework that has been provided, or vote with your mouse and decline to participate.