Please have WGT baseball set up like WGT golf and not exclusively on facebook.
LOVE WGT and love Baseball and would play all the time, dont have Facebook, dont want Facebook.
I toldly agree .I'm not a fan of facebook either ,lets to many viruses into your computer.So I would like to see WGT baseball in a beta test site like WGT Golf is...PLEASE..tyED
WGT dating website too!!
Stay tuned. Coming soon, WGT low cost Viagra, WGT ebayamazon, WGT-harmony dating site for online avatars (if you are really a dude with a chick avatar then beware!)...
I wholeheartedly agree. Open it up to all, just as you did with golf. I refuse to join Facebook, but love baseball. So do millions of others...
as far as I know, the baseball will only be done via facebook. sorry!
i agree with the op i refuse to join facebook
I think instead of WGT usig their wind to sail two ships, perhaps they could concentrate on ONE.
This one..
By the look of the forums there are many bugs and reasonable requests that havent been answered.