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Re: Animations: Sprinkler, Birds, Lawn Mower, Golf Cart, Gopher, Plane Pulling Banner Ad

Sun, May 13 2012 10:45 AM (9 replies)
  • JamesLimborg
    11 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 5:30 PM

    Would be nice if once in a while sprinklers came on, and when they did it gives everyone extra points.  Have a person riding a lawn mower and golf cart pass bye once in a while (perhaps giving a few extra points if they do.  Add some bird and water sounds to make the audio more realistic.  Have a gopher pop out of the ground; The gopher from Caddy Shack giving people extra points once in a while.  Plane passing bye pulling a banner saying something... Perhaps an advertisement giving people a few extra points.  These animations would make the game even more realistic and fun.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2012 5:53 AM

    nice idea James,

    A gopher with a banner... *chuckles*

    A new source of income for WGT...

    Wouldn't it slow down play when we wait forever until we get some xtra XPs?

    (or if the game is blocked for a 30 s video ad on that banner *shudders*)

  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sat, May 12 2012 6:14 AM


    Would be nice if once in a while sprinklers came on, and when they did it gives everyone extra points.  Have a person riding a lawn mower and golf cart pass bye once in a while (perhaps giving a few extra points if they do.  Add some bird and water sounds to make the audio more realistic.  Have a gopher pop out of the ground; The gopher from Caddy Shack giving people extra points once in a while.  Plane passing bye pulling a banner saying something... Perhaps an advertisement giving people a few extra points.  These animations would make the game even more realistic and fun.

    Dear James,

    It would indeed be a nice add-on to WGT yet my biggest fear (and probably that of all of us here) would be that the game would considerably slow down or might even freeze. Not everybody has a superfast connection and loads of memory to play this game and it is already showing far too often that the game is slower and/or hampering in the weekends, where far more players are online then during the week. Nevertheless it was a nice thought!


  • kjarvis001
    25 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 7:32 AM

    I would agree that more animation might slow the game down.

    But one of my biggest peeves is playing in a 12+mph wind the the flag on the stick just hangs there. :-)

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 8:06 AM


    I would agree that more animation might slow the game down.

    But one of my biggest peeves is playing in a 12+mph wind the the flag on the stick just hangs there. :-)


    You can turn on flag movements sir.


  • scottishbloke
    1,277 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 9:31 AM

    id like spectators behind the greens so my ball can bounce back on the green after hitting them i have a habit of being to firm firing at the pins lol

  • scooterdog14
    2 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 9:38 AM

    I would like to see a percentage beside every players profile on how many times they quit a game early,so you will know whether to invite them or not. It is frustrating when a player hits one bad shot and they quit the game. I usually end up finishing by myself out of a foursome.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 10:10 AM

    I would like to see a percentage beside every players profile on how many times they quit a game early,so you will know whether to invite them or not. It is frustrating when a player hits one bad shot and they quit the game. I usually end up finishing by myself out of a foursome.

    just type in 'quitters' in the forum search.

    been brought up B4

    a couple times

  • Timmytoastman
    569 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 10:42 AM

    Go to menu, options & click on the flag animation. But I found that this give me meter jump.

  • nyctc7
    160 Posts
    Sun, May 13 2012 10:45 AM

    If a gopher pops up maybe I'd think I was playing Word Whomp on Pogo (one of my favorites), maybe on that game they should have a golfer pop up. 

    I kind of like the sound effect they have already--kind of like the noise when you put a seashell to your ear--at low levels I find it isn't distracting and maybe even a little calming. I wouldn't change it, but perhaps in "options" you could choose from a variety of sound effects to suit your taste. 

    Don't really like the idea of adding animations such as you describe, seems a little gimmicky. I'm here more for fun than competition, but I still am taking it seriously. That's what I love about WGT so far. It's fun but it's quite serious. Just my $0.02.