I played the motocross maddness 2 game for years and one of their best ideas they had was offering a free track building program, I think it was called armadillo , where you can lay out and shape your own motorcycle tracks then post them as free down loadable files. In the early to mid 90's there might have been 10 different sites that you could go to a site and download 15 + new tracks a day and most were good because they were designed by motocross riders. Some were outragous and stunning between the use of all colors and different ideas. If wgt wanted to step it up to a new level, they could offer this option for players to design and download the new free courses. Someone could work with WGT and might could offer this off the main wgt site. Just a thought. Thanx!
People choose to play WGT because it's the best on line golf game there is !
I for one believe the main reason is the fact that the courses available to play, are TRUE representations of the courses on offer.
For WGT to offer anything less than that would be a huge step backwards for them, it's the realism that has so many addicted to the game, therefore to allow users to design and upload " PRETEND " courses would detract from what I believe is the main aim of the site.
WGT go to incredible lengths to ensure the accuracy of courses on offer for play, spending an absolute fortune sending teams of people to photograph each course, anything other than professional representation of the courses we play would simply not work, just my opinion, but I think it's valid.