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Re: MultiPlayer QUIT Penalty - Record The Scores At +10 In The Scoring History

Sun, Apr 11 2010 9:57 PM (3 replies)
  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 8:16 AM

    TIred of the MultiPlayer Quitters.... (Old Topic / New Suggestion)

    Recommend WGT record a score of 10 OVER PAR for all QUIT Stroke Play Rounds - recorded in scoring history and impacts Average.

    *  Applies only to STROKE PLAY Multiplayer RANKED rounds (Not Applicable for Match Play)

    *  Certainly does not apply if round is COMPLETED normally

    *  Applies to Ranked Rounds only - not Practice.

    *  Does NOT apply if the player who QUIT returns and completes the round SOLO (i.e. this allows for if there is a technical problem or other BONAFIDE reason to suddenly leave).

    ACCOMPLISHES penalizing players who bail to "protect the average" or other nonsense.

    The End,  AtlantaCoaster



  • AlexisStarfire
    78 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 5:59 PM

    And how about the people that disconnect beyond their control (power failure, ISP problem, browser crash, computer crash etc.)

    They are supposed to be penalized also?

    There are sometimes circumstances that cause disconnects that aren't detectable from someone just dumping the game.

    I think you need to get over it and get on with life..


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 10:53 PM

    Sorry AC.. old topic and old solution... penalize quitters with score.

    Not going to happen.  Sandbagging is a concern.

    @Alexis.... same post in two threads?  In this thread all of your hypotheticals were answered in the OP.

    Cut-N-Paste responses just so you can tell two different people to "get over it'?

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Sun, Apr 11 2010 9:57 PM

    Why do you care so much?

    It's not like it affects you. Let them do it, just remember that you're twice as strong if you post every round.