Ok.. fisrt off dont take what i say as the gospel truth... i am just a super-ultra-wizbang- master- hack that has no idea what he's talking about...
I have the I-15 driver , hybrid and iron set... so far i like them.. the fast meter seems to be ok being i have always used standard speed swing meters... it takes some getting used to... and yes.. when mis hit things can go bad in a hurry.. especially with the mid-iron (especially 7).. the driver is excellent.. even with slight miscues it does fair enough ( but back off on StA 1 with 16+ tail wind .. it WILL reach the water)...
the hybrid is another story... clean hits will give you what you put into it and go where it should.. and them some... in head winds it acts about the same as any into the wind..
the irons... are very long... alot more than i am used to... miscues with those can have bad results even more so when missing WITH the wind... the 7 iron.. some max back spin go full length.. some come up WAY short.. its just a gamble .. so be certain to not too mishit that one... i cannot remeber any shots that i used the 8 iron so it either works right or it was so bad i forgot it...
now for the bad news... the rough or sand... these clubs do NOT tolerate being mishit with a punch shot out of rough or sand... 160 yard club just slightly off in 20%thru 50% grass.. sand .. fescue.. will be short {at least in my games} longest i got may have been 85+/- yds... and its not uncommon for them to only go about 45+/- yds... and that is using a full power punch from regular old BPB rough{G10pro are at least 145yd of 160yd) ..most of the irons are like that... rough .. punch.. mishit.. do not mix well { i suggest water and ice tea powder for a better mix}...
... and in closing just keep in mind i am not an expert in club comparison nor in this game either (just look at my stats {embarassing})... tis only what i have seen with my time here using those clubs...
??Are they worth the price?? sure... will you buy them.. i dunno... thats your choice... am i dissapointed.. ABSOLUTELY not...am i crazy.. maybe...
so.. till next time.. cool runnings...