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Re: Replays

Sat, Jun 2 2012 2:24 PM (8 replies)
  • Kams101
    12 Posts
    Sat, May 26 2012 2:52 AM

    Was just thinking that maybe we should be allowed to save more replays of favourite shots.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, May 26 2012 12:28 PM


    you can save 100's even now. simply when you want to do so. click replay, then share, enter your own email.

    then make a blog post and link the link you got in the email for that replay.

    see how avatarlee does it.


  • Kams101
    12 Posts
    Sat, May 26 2012 12:47 PM

    Nice one i'll give that a try as it seems like a fix to it !

    ( Thanks for your reply )

  • Kams101
    12 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 5:49 AM

    Sorry to bother you again

    I've tried what you said and lloked at avatarlee's posts which are very cool.

    I still cant suss out how its the way avatarlee does it by just being able to click on his description of the replay.

    How does he post it without seeing all the details of the URL etc ?

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 12:47 PM


    Sorry to bother you again

    I've tried what you said and lloked at avatarlee's posts which are very cool.

    I still cant suss out how its the way avatarlee does it by just being able to click on his description of the replay.

    How does he post it without seeing all the details of the URL etc ?

    when you post in your blog type the description like I have in my blog, highlight that description and click on the little chain link, post the url in there and it will be done. Just like I have on my blog

  • Kams101
    12 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 2:10 PM

    Ahh thank you. I think I've pretty much got it now, just need to play about with it to understand it fully. Sorry I should have mentioned earlier that I am not the best when it comes to computer related stuff, (as you've probably gathered haha).

    Thanks again SGTBilko and also to you WGTicon for your patience and time.

  • NukeRat
    325 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 4:27 PM

    However, if you save your replay like normal, to your list of 10 that is.  Then send it to your email as well.  If you delete the same replay from your list of 10 it also deletes the replay you sent to your email.  So if you were to try and watch your replay from your email you now get an error.  The trick, I believe, is to be sure and not save it to your normal replay list.  Just send the replay to your email and copy/paste from there to your blog.  

    Again, I have found that if you save your replay to the normal spot, and delete it from there later to make room, you will no longer be able to see it regardless of whether or not you sent it yourself in an email.  I have tested this many times with different replays and come up with the same results.  I may be doing something wrong though.

    Just be sure to just share it to your email and that is it.  Or copy the url.  But do not save it to your normal place.  

    Now, my question is.  How do you do this while playing a MP game?  I do not recall getting the same option as you do in a solo for replays.  I recall just getting a "save last replay" option which puts it in the list of 10.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you all for your time.


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 5:58 PM


    when you post in your blog type the description like I have in my blog, highlight that description and click on the little chain link, post the url in there and it will be done. Just like I have on my blog

    Sgt, (may I call you Ernie?) * thanks very much for the info...tried it out and it works like a charm...was able to post a replay in my blog.

    * Only old farts will remember the Sgt's first name. ;-)

  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 2:24 PM



    when you post in your blog type the description like I have in my blog, highlight that description and click on the little chain link, post the url in there and it will be done. Just like I have on my blog


    Sgt, (may I call you Ernie?) * thanks very much for the info...tried it out and it works like a charm...was able to post a replay in my blog.

    * Only old farts will remember the Sgt's first name. ;-)

    And we also remember poor Dwayne Doberman.