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Re: Newer top tiers

Wed, Jun 27 2012 11:33 AM (73 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 27 2012 12:20 AM

    Not arguing here but I'm thinking of the Danscam BiB Jake Priestess Genorb (sorry if I missed a few) types

    These folks play to post a score 

    They don't care about driving their avg down....again I am talking about the best here:)

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Wed, Jun 27 2012 7:01 AM

    So deciphering who actually deserves to be in the "elite" division of players now takes on another problem.yes ?

    A slope rating for each round, based on course, tees, wind, etc. really shouldn't be too hard to implement. It's been a while since I carried a handicap, but if my memory serves me, the USGA uses such a system. After adjustment, a 53 at Kia or Bethpage from the front tees with no wind would equate to (for example) a 66 at Congressional from the tips in high winds.

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Wed, Jun 27 2012 11:08 AM

    A slope rating for each round


    Great idea Gman ! , so perhaps we could have this facility in the game set up

    1.Choose course

    2, select difficulty . 1 being easy, 10 being hard

    This would mean wgt setting 10 settings for each course for difficulty level.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Jun 27 2012 11:33 AM

    Speaking as someone who will never make it to anything resembling the elite here, I would like to see a series of "tours" here resembling real life tours. Mini tours through an equivalent of the Nationwide on up to the PGA Tour. Based purely on tourney results and a money leaderboard. Have WGT offer fewer of the credits and tourneys on the lower levels and put higher values into the legend tours as an incentive to move up to get access to them.

    New legends start on the mini-tour level. Finish top 3 at least 3 times or finish top 25 on the money list in a year or 6 months and get promoted. Bottom 25 on the money list move down for the next season.  The elite of the elite top 200 or 250 players constitute the Elite Tour. If it looks like there are enough players in the category there could even be European, Pacific and Asian Elite Tours. It would lend itself to WGT versions of the Ryder and Presidents' Cups.

    Such a system takes average out of the equation and is based on results. I'd love to follow those leaderboards like we follow them in real life.