Thanks for the input, Danny
In case it wasn't clear, WGT hasn't added any new members to it's staff - we are simply being more active on the forums, in addition to our other full time jobs at WGT.
We will be monitoring the forums and community looking for bad seeds, including people with avatars that are against our terms of service.
That's a great idea about the picture approval process, however we simply don't have the staff needed to approve every new member's avatar. We will try to expand our team to meet the needs of our community as needed, until then we will be trying our best with what we have :)
Keep reporting players who are violating the terms of service to our support email address. That will help expedite things :)
EDIT: When I say "keep reporting" I mean through email submission. Calling players out on the forums is a no-no.
Stay Classy,