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Re: Old clubs

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 3 2012 3:52 AM (4 replies)
  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 12:50 PM

    The new wedges and other clubs are very nice. I still have a spot in my heart (small one ) for old TM satin 50 ..G 10's ect. Maybe a heads up if you are goin to diss continue a club so some may want to buy or hang onto the ones they have as they will no longer be available.

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 1:28 PM

    I think WGT should allow us to buy and sell our antique (discontinued) clubs between each other at whatever price the buyer will pay.  And instead of paying me 25% to buy them back, WGT could take a cut of the resell transaction.

    I wonder what someone would pay for a beginner putter?  Or eventually for a set of G10s or the Satin 64?

  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 4:28 PM


    The new wedges and other clubs are very nice. I still have a spot in my heart (small one ) for old TM satin 50 ..G 10's ect. Maybe a heads up if you are goin to diss continue a club so some may want to buy or hang onto the ones they have as they will no longer be available.


    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 11:07 PM

    anything that will diminish WGT's ability to earn will NOT happen.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 3:52 AM


    anything that will diminish WGT's ability to earn will NOT happen.


    OTOH, imagine this:

    A market forum (pay for entry), private ads for credits, a retail shop (buy for 15%, sell for 75%)...