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Re: Practice Range and Putting Practice Green

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 16 2012 8:40 AM (7 replies)
  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 1:17 PM

    The single most important items missing from WGT is obvious. Where can I practice, and where can I practice putting.....the single worst part of my game. These two issues should be at the top of the list of priorities.      I do not understand why this is such a negative idea on how to improve your game. It is certainly easier to get better by hitting woods, and irons, during practice rounds, tournaments, and games. But I know the worst of my game is on the green. Being able to putt so infrequently during a round is certainly going to take a long time for me to improve. Obviously the Club is blessed with great putters. I know I can't devote the time needed to improve at a faster rate, just by playing "practice". Thanks for listening.....I just feel these are ways for everyone to improve. This CLUB has EVERYTHING a member could want or need......except for a place for adequate practice!

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 4:15 PM

    You can practice by selecting "practice".

    If you mean you want to hit the same shot / putt from the same spot again and again as in RL . . . nowhere . .

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 5:42 PM

    most players seem to believe this is unecessary & that u can play practice rounds to hone ur skills .. so do that, it won't affect ur avg ..

    incidently, i happen to agree with u .. i thought the same thing when i joined & many new players do .. i still think it would be usefull

    aside from that, play practice rounds .. i still do

    this is a great game .. enjoy

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 7:03 PM

    If I see another post about this.....

  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2012 7:50 PM


    If I see another post about this.....

    get needle, poke out eyes, only way.............

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jun 4 2012 3:49 AM


    If I see another post about this.....


    this'll always be brought up by many new players .. naturally

  • Annapsmitty
    5 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 6:03 AM

    Having been an avid "Forum" user for many years, I've gotta say that one of the most irritating things is people refusing to search past posts for answers to their questions. Take the time and look for the answer before posting a question that has been answered 100 times before......

    ...... I take that back. The number 1, most annoying thing about forums are the @_____s that respond to a post with something negative instead of just not saying anything at all. I know, newer players need to learn to search the Forums, but responding in an ignorant manner just makes you look like a douche and keeps people from actively using the WGT community. Great job and keep up the good work.... by keeping your useless responses to yourself.

    Ok, I'm done with my rant. I'll step off my preverbal soap-box now ;-)



  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 8:40 AM


    The single most important items missing from WGT is obvious. Where can I practice, and where can I practice putting.....

    golfvader7- A lot of the frustration being sent your way is because of this:

    Player Suggestion List - Check here before posting new

    This link is the first thing at the top of the "Product Suggestions" list of threads, right above where your thread is posted.   #1 on the list there is exactly what you are suggesting. Almost daily, though, someone starts a new thread complaining or suggesting the putting green/driving range without first reading what's already on the list or just adding to an already existing thread.