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Re: Tour master kiah RG

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jun 6 2012 1:05 PM (9 replies)
  • ladzrls
    286 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 12:54 PM

    Hey there,

    played the kia island RG 300 CREDITS for tour master and was dissapointed to be teeing off from legend tees and on legend greens, my score was my own fault as i missed some stupid putts and shoulda went to bed hours b4 i decided 1 last round(lesson learned), but my main gripe is why does it say tour master lvl only for it to be  played from legend set up?

    Maybe ive missed something in the small print or missunderstood the competition but i did  really think it was a tourney for the master tour set up.

    Once again my score was my own fault and im not having a gripe about that.

    tks for any info on this matter

    best regards


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 1:13 PM

    The last Master RG I played surprisingly had "only" fast greens - I was not amused and collected many a bogey.

    I suppose that it's set up at WGTs discretion - take it like a man (or a woman if applicable).

  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 1:45 PM


    Hey there,

    played the kia island RG 300 CREDITS for tour master and was dissapointed to be teeing off from legend tees and on legend greens,

    Unlucky for you! All the top gun legends play from my tees (Pro) at those tourneys at Kiawah,  you know, sun safe tourney and others.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 2:10 PM

    Legends teeing off from the ladies tees in a RG? HHHHHHMMMMMMM I don't think so. JB

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 2:26 PM

    Legend STA Back 9 RG - Yellow tees.  Think again, JB.

    Tier-specific RG's can have any illustrated above.....but normal RG's (open to any tier) will have players teeing off from their usual tees.

    The TM Kia instance is the first time I've heard of longer tees though.

  • ladzrls
    286 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:18 PM


    The last Master RG I played surprisingly had "only" fast greens - I was not amused and collected many a bogey.

    I suppose that it's set up at WGTs discretion - take it like a man (or a woman if applicable).

    I took it right up the kyber as intended.

    and took it like a man.



  • ladzrls
    286 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:20 PM


    Legend STA Back 9 RG - Yellow tees.  Think again, JB.

    Tier-specific RG's can have any illustrated above.....but normal RG's (open to any tier) will have players teeing off from their usual tees.

    The TM Kia instance is the first time I've heard of longer tees though.

    It was a suprise to me aswell, altho it is the first time i tried a tier only RG

    but at least i now know not to take a TOUR MASTER RG as a given that its played under TM  conditions



  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:34 PM

    Yea Jerm I get that, I think the tour pro thought he was playing against legends from his tee in RG. The Sun safe tourney was for all from white tees. (Don't know what his complaint was about that) Sry for any misunderstanding. JB

  • 13danmarino13
    4 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 4:18 PM

    Only tour masters were in that ready go but yes you are correct we teed off from the legend tees. They did that to make it a little harder and it's good practice seeing that some of us will be legend one day. I shot a 58 in it and was quite happy.

  • ladzrls
    286 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2012 1:05 PM


    Only tour masters were in that ready go but yes you are correct we teed off from the legend tees. They did that to make it a little harder and it's good practice seeing that some of us will be legend one day. I shot a 58 in it and was quite happy.

    And well played to you m8, i missed some awfull putts but was very tired indeed, if i knew the set up i guess i woulda been mentally ready for it.

    I often tee-up on practice rounds from the back tees and can usually shoot a 60 on kiah, for some reason there is a mentall block and i cant break 60 on kiah.

    Any how well played 

