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Re: Default options for putting

Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:48 AM (8 replies)
  • danohi50
    1,020 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 5:28 AM

    I really would love to be able to set the beginning putter distance default where that default automatically  came up first.

    For example I putt with a Daytona Rossa. The putting meters are 15, 30, 60, etc.

    I hit most of my putts on the 60, but would like it best if the putter always came up first at 30. Then I could adjust from there.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 6:01 AM

    It would be great to be able to set your own defaults for all clubs. Personally I'd like the wedges to default to full, instead of chip.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 6:21 AM

    I had a 16ft putt the other day, slightly on the fringe and my daytona defaulted to 150ft!!!!!!!!.......Why???? It's a good job that I always check what the caddy gives you nowadays as I have been caught out to many times :~))


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 9:24 AM


    I had a 16ft putt the other day, slightly on the fringe and my daytona defaulted to 150ft!!!!!!!!.......Why????

    Heaven knows - no, only WGT knows.

    I've become used to that (as long as I'm told I'm on the fringe). My current peeving mind trap is the 15 / 30 switching. Over 27 you get the 60 scale but at 14 it's still the 15...

    Countless putts have gone only half of the way :(



    And yes, I know it's up to me: I should concentrate better.

  • danohi50
    1,020 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2012 4:42 PM

    This while an old post never really got any notice. With WGT new improved customer SVC model, I thought id bump it

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2012 5:35 PM

    Not sure if you know this . But you can use the scroll wheel on the mouse to change clubs and or putter distance instead of having to open your bag or click the arrows on the game screen. Just an FYI for those that didnt know that. 

    Helps you choose a club faster thats for sure. Also the space bar alternates reverse views and normal views.

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Sat, Jun 30 2012 12:06 AM

    Happens. Lots of times where you have a 27 foot putt 6 inches downhill and it gives you 60 range, and sometimes it's screwed me up and I've hit the 60 not realizing lol but I don't it's a high priority, and not really a HUGE problem anyway. 

    I actually did just discover that pjctas, I'm on a laptop so the trackpad with 2 fingers can scroll through, which is kinda cool but at the same time it whips through them all so fast, so it'd actually take longer to be precise lol  @_@

  • GMan5433
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jul 18 2012 7:49 PM

    The putting meter should always come up at the lowest distance. It's just common sense.  If I don't hit it far enough because I didn't adjust, my fault.  

    I know, my fault if I don't notice the meter is at 100ft when I'm on the fringe 17 ft from hole..... dumb

  • LittleAttila
    30 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:48 AM

    Old post, but I thought I'd add to this one (one of many choices on this subject) rather than starting a new one.

    I don't mind if the game defaulted the scale to your putting distance correctly, but it doesn't always work like this.

    It's not a good feeling to know you're playing a good game when suddenly you have a 15 yard putt (for example) and you let it go to suddenly see it sail far away only because the scale was incorrectly set to 150 by the AI. This shouldn't be viewed as "my fault" simply because (possibly in my excitement at playing well) I failed to look at the scale at the moment, and just because I trust the game to be setting the scale correctly. Having said that, if this is a bug, then I will have to get used to the suggestion of making sure to check the scale at all times before every shot as part of the shot ritual. In the mean time, it would be nice if WGT corrected (fixed) this.

    Some people say "it's your fault", which I don't think is constructive criticism.

    Some people have suggested a default setting that each player can choose. I like this idea if it's possible to implement. I personally would like the default setting just to be set to the lowest setting all the time, then I can set it to the proper scale based on what I deem necessary to make the shot.

    That's my two cents.