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Re: atv taylormade wedges

Sat, Jun 16 2012 4:32 PM (5 replies)
  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 7:17 PM

    top performance wedges on wgt...

    the new atv taylormade wedges......?????

    but are they ?

    just wondering from other felllow wgt players on what they think on these new "expensive" clubs..

    i have spent good money on these clubs but ask myself was it really worth the money after all i was happy with my old wedges that cost as little as 200credits...

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 3:08 PM

    Hey mmikkeelee , i purchased theese wedges ,at first i was not happy but after a week or 2 i really like them , saying that the 50 yrd  was not for me , i could not part with my trusty clevland , i found the 50 yrd unpredictable , but i am very happy now with the 75 &100 yrd  ATV's , i did notice they play quite differently to any other wedges i have tried ,hope this helps  ! .... (  this is my oponion others may think different )   .....  LOL  !

    thnk you ,  ......  dlop  !

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 3:17 PM

    trying to stick with them but not happy with them at all..

    to inconsistent nver go where i want them too, i used to throw darts with my wedges use to be my fav part of game but these wedges land me with 10ft putts and such instead of 2ft or closer 

    al give them 1 more week as they were pricey but i need to think from now on when new equipment comes out instead of jumping in there and buying.

    although the new r11 driver is a great new clubs :)

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2012 6:11 AM

    mmikkeelee one thing i have found with theese wedges are to just leave the dot in the middle of the ball much like the clevland wedges , they are actually very precise , as soon as i moove the dot i am in trouble , they are unpredictable on their ditance  , even 1 or 2 mil seem to affect the distance , funny thing is i could never go back to my clevlands now except my 60 yrd , i am very happy now and am glad i purchased the ATV's , what the distance says is how far they go with the dot left at the middle  !     ........   (   i think i have purchased  every item i unlocked on here while i was going through the levels , and am still a kid in a candy store when something new comes out , big lol  )  ......  oh well , i really love the game so no complaints here !

    thank you ,  ....  dflop  !

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2012 7:27 AM

    what about the meter speed? how's that affect it


    and dflop, why won't you go back to clevelands? what makes these better to you(other than the 60)

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Sat, Jun 16 2012 4:32 PM

    cpatterson22 , i think it is the precision and forgiveness theese wedges bring , to me they behave very nicely , i like the control that comes with the ATV's , not that the clevlands had anything wrong with them , they are all great wedges , but my clevland 60 yrd is a lifetime wedge , i love it  !      ......      but this is only my opinion  !

    thank you ,  ......   dflop  !