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Re: Screen Surveys

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Fri, Jun 15 2012 10:50 AM (2 replies)
  • mclee
    3 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 10:14 AM

    Again, I have been taken in by some scuzzy survey. I take a survey, answer 50 questions about my tire purchases and purchasing influences, followed by my profile (race, age, salary), and am told at the end that "We're still looking for a survey to match your profile". Bull - I just completed a tire survey, you just don't want to give me the credits for it. This is such a regular occurance that I am going to play out my current credits, and once I run out of balls, I'm probably done with this game. I'm all about supporting the game through its sponsors, but I'm not going to buy credits and the (at least survey) sponsors are not fulfilling their promises often times. The "Daily Survey" link for 75 credits works most times, but when the daily survey is Ampario, forget about it. Screwedsville again.....

    I recommend WGT screen the providors of the surveys or have people that actually work at WGT that can ban survey providers randomly take some of the surveys so that they can prevent outright fraud such as this. I am not the only one to have this problem, and it is a legitimate (and unaddressed) issue that is costing WGT money and players

  • Alan_M
    237 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 10:32 AM

    Same thing here on more than one occasion.

    Or you spend half an hour going through a survey for it to hang on the final "credit" page.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 10:50 AM

    Very frustrating when that happens.

    Personally Ampario has provided me with over 6,000 credits over time; I've had very few problems with them. The most reliable for me have been the MyView surveys for 75 credits a pop. Peanut Labs has been just ok. I don't bother with the other companies.

    It takes time but you can also build up credits viewing the ads and videos instead. You might have to slow down the pace of your "credit-based" competitions but it wouldn't be necessary to leave completely..

    If you're just playing for pure recreation there are always free tournaments, golf balls, etc. available. You may not have the best equipment with the best ball control but it can still be fun.