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Re: 265 yard intermediate Raptures driver, L52.

Mon, Jun 18 2012 2:10 PM (4 replies)
  • SL0G
    7 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 2:06 PM

    For those whose old reflexes ain't so great, and who love the Raptures without wanting to mortgage their homes to buy expensive slow meter balls, a 265 yard intermediate Raptures driver at level 52 would be a dream come true, as it could serve them adequately even at the Tour Master tier.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 2:34 PM


    The new g20 driver is slower than typical one. I think you can get it in a few levels :)


  • SL0G
    7 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 5:41 PM

    Thanks for the quick reply. Still, the driver I described has its place (slower meter) and completes the L48 Raptures nicely.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Jun 17 2012 8:25 PM


    I agree, I was just giving an option thats available right now. I'll mention a driver with slower meter in that level range.


  • SL0G
    7 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 2:10 PM

    Again thank you for paying attention to my post. I suggested a Raptures 265 yard driver upgrade at level 52, with in mind the multitude of players - including me - who own and love the Raptures, and do not care to go for a faster meter club set, even the G20's (I personally bought them and sold them back, to return to the Raptures, for their manageability). And yet the pressure to do reluctantly the very opposite is there at the Master and Tour Master tier, mostly because of the driver. So a Raptures 265 yard driver upgrade at level 52 would make all those players very happy. And it would be a cinch for your team to create. Same look and specs as the L48 Raptures driver, except for the 10 yard increase. Lots of easy money for wgt. How can you resist?