Im searching the last days to the Taylor Satin Wedges, like to have new
clubs in the bag.
But WGT take them out from the shop. Wats up with them ????
I heard they are nice clubs, with a correct price.
Greets from the Alps............
Sie waren ein Schnäppchen, aber sie sind aus :(
(They - a bargain - are sold out)
Unfortunately, the Satins are no more.Yes they have gone bye-bye.. W.G.T. , has replaced the Satins, with the new ATV`s. I was very lucky too get mine about a week before this happened. So sorry my friend, but you and the rest of the players , are now stuck with the over priced A.T.V.`s . Some say that they are better clubs, but I for one don`t think so. Play well Grasshopper. Seeeeee Yaaaaaaaa.