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Re: Pro Shop Purchases

Wed, Jun 20 2012 9:22 AM (2 replies)
  • sheerluck
    4 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:30 PM

    Hi, I don´t understand why others should know what I purchase from the pro club. I consider that private information that has absolutely nothing to do with game itself. It is a private financial transaction .. period. I suggest that there be a separate section in accounts that allows players to choose what others can or can´t see.

    the section might have check off boxes or bullets ... a simple  Yes... No

    i.e. Pro Shop transactions, writing on someone´s wall, the number of skins won, being available for friend requests and having the option to receive messages from just friends or anyone or no one.

    Thank you


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 9:05 AM


    that's also something I like and I been asking about it for a while. Hopefully it can happen:)


  • kmarline21
    442 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 9:22 AM

    i agree