Our CC is currently accepting Amateurs and Hacks for a limited time . We are looking for members to not only participate but to be very involved in our CC. I have an off WGT platofrm forum that I have put alot of work into and request that all members register HERE. Feel free to check out the website as a Guest (if you decide to join our CC only then would you have to decide to register. IT IS NOT MANDATORY TO REGISTER FOR THIS FORUM TO BE ELIGIBLE AS A MEMBER . IT IS YOUR CHOICE
I have had people complain and say I am a dictator by forcing my members to use this forum instead of WGT very limited forum. That is not the case. There are quite a few reasons I do this.
1. WGT 's platform is boring and limited.
2. If our CC grows I have plans to detach from WGT's forum that way members can still join another CC and be a part of Glamouflage without being forced to quit their current CC and be limited.
3. Gives members a more private and fun way to express themselves without having to follow the TOS (rules which some are not fair) of this WGT platform.
4. Most of the TOP CC's out there have their own website already and to me that is awesome.
All newbies joining WGT first of all welcome, be very careful when choosing a CC . Dont just jump into the first one that accepts you and end up quitting because it is not what you expected.
God Bless all.