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Re: Allignment

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 24 2012 8:37 PM (1 replies)
  • jonobro
    22 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 7:13 PM

    On a lot of shots that I am faced with I notice that my avatar is lined up significantly to the right or left of where the pin is. I was wondering if there is a reason for this and if not if it could be fixed. I think it would look much more pleasant if the avatar lined up towards the pin or at least the green. 

    Regards, Jonobro

  • Spammage
    694 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 8:37 PM

    There is an option to turn on Avatar angles.  On the game client page go to Menu - Game Settings and then click on the Advanced tab.  There you can turn on Avatar angles and it gives you a more appropriate look.