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Re: Friends list

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 24 2012 10:25 PM (2 replies)
  • pillsy
    489 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 7:27 PM

    How about a "would rather not play with" list?  I played a skins game tonight with someone I would prefer to not play with again.  Mean from the outset, bossing people around, "pick up your ball, it's really annoying", etc.  most WGT players are awesome and I have fun most rounds, but it would be nice to keep a list of players you'd rather not be matched up with.  even when you're searching for a game, let it skip over games if a player in your DNP list is already in the group.  

    i know, i know, "just keep the chat button closed and forget about it."  but I'm not yoban and can't play 35 rounds per day.  the couple rounds i get to play when i play, i'd prefer to pay with people i have fun with.

    just a thought.  cheers,



  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 9:39 PM

    I would like to play a round anytime. I usually just laugh at my self during the round so.....