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Re: Course Index rating

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 26 2012 2:32 PM (4 replies)
  • jimoldfart
    131 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2012 7:22 AM
    Has there been any thought into factoring in the course index rankings into the averages? Not necessarily the true course rankings as much as WGT's.A player with a 63 avg. on S.A. for example would probably struggle to average 69 on say Congressional. I think if you brought in course ratings it would give the players a truer evaluation of their game in regards to the rest of the group. And the ones doing all of the complaining would get a wake up call as to their abilities and might quit complaining so much about the players that win most of the tournaments. I've looked at some of the complainers profiles and it seems that S.A. , B.P. and K. dominate their playing time. Its like being a 5 hdcp. at your local muni. and then going to play a P.G.A. course and not breaking a hundred. You can then appreciate how good the real players are. Just a thought.
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2012 8:58 AM

    I think this would not change anything.

    Courses would be qualified as diificult or easy (then with authority),

    ppl would blame everything except themselves for their bad scores,

    The outstanding players would stay outstanding.

    Maybe some players would chose a greater variety when battling their averages, but who cares? Nobody but themselves is affected by their impatience or egobagging.

    Most of all, this is "professional" virtual golf, we play courses from the Major championships - who would ask for handicap strokes or the like?

  • easternguy
    301 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2012 12:07 PM

    Jim, I asked the same question months ago...

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2012 12:36 PM

    This is all part of the problem of caring about one's average. For me, I could care less.  It's whatever WGT says it is and means nothing to me .I don't watch it or get caught up in it's every move. It's just a number at the corner of the screen.  I play to play. Some quit rounds to "protect" their average but from what? Nothing we have can be taken away from our average going up.  I know others play for money against one another so average becomes something to care about I suppose. Tier level should be the only thing to care about in that situation. 


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2012 2:32 PM

    A good way to have fun, CD!

    OTOH, caring about the tier includes caring about the average, the former resulting from the latter.

    But perhaps you take it like me with my RL handicap: I'm glad if it goes down, showing my improvements, but when it goes up I say, "I just needed that", and the extra strokes I get from the higher number will help me to drop next time I play.

    Nothing we have can be taken away from our average going up.
    This made my day! Caring or worrying about these numbers (resulting from computer mouse movement) is a very luxury problem - thanks god we live in wealth and peace, luckier than many on the planet.