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Re: WGT Congressional Tournament.

Wed, Jul 4 2012 8:16 AM (93 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2012 4:13 AM

    I emailed WGT about the top 2 players in the Pro tier nearly a year ago.  Says it all I guess.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2012 4:30 AM

    The top 2 pro's, tour pro winner and master winner are all friends (or have been at some point) a bit suspicious if you ask me, wouldn't put it past some one sitting on a pc and a laptop  playing himself. too much of a coincidence, especially the gaps in playing times. Before long, more and more are going to think "hang on, i win f' all as a legend, these guys are winning $100 cards by cheating the system, time to start over.  Its going to become "hustlers paradise" before long.

    wgt should make equipment tier based, or if not, if a level 70+ pro buys a 280 driver, then they should have to play from master tees, or if they take it out and use 250 yard driver, they can stay on pro tees.  You would soon see these level 89 pro's tier up. Or if these level 89 pro's win a certain amount of tournaments, they should automatically be moved up a tier, it goes through me seeing a level 89 pro, who you know has re-started, winning most of the tournaments he enters (because of past game experience) but still allowed to stay a pro. 4 tournament wins = good enough to tier up

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2012 8:00 AM


  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2012 8:16 AM


    The top 2 pro's, tour pro winner and master winner are all friends (or have been at some point) a bit suspicious if you ask me, wouldn't put it past some one sitting on a pc and a laptop  playing himself. too much of a coincidence, especially the gaps in playing times. Before long, more and more are going to think "hang on, i win f' all as a legend, these guys are winning $100 cards by cheating the system, time to start over.  Its going to become "hustlers paradise" before long.

    wgt should make equipment tier based, or if not, if a level 70+ pro buys a 280 driver, then they should have to play from master tees, or if they take it out and use 250 yard driver, they can stay on pro tees.  You would soon see these level 89 pro's tier up. Or if these level 89 pro's win a certain amount of tournaments, they should automatically be moved up a tier, it goes through me seeing a level 89 pro, who you know has re-started, winning most of the tournaments he enters (because of past game experience) but still allowed to stay a pro. 4 tournament wins = good enough to tier up


    This a great idea but what would be a better idea is making the dam equipment Tier Specific, you could let people buy the crap the same way it is now but they could and should make the equipments tier specific for tourneys. This would level out the playing field and the sand baggers would have less motive. The equipment is the most important thing and in tourneys they could and should make it tier specific to level up the field. SO for example if a Avg. pro is level 40 then 40 or less equip. should be used and so on.

    Just throwin a thought out,
