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Re: quitters

Tue, Jul 10 2012 5:15 AM (16 replies)
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  • Sleestack88
    11 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 6:02 PM


    its long over due in my oppinion for quitters to be punished in some way

    how about a two day ban or for fit of points, something has to be done as it is ruining the game. U play for an hour only for the other side to quit,U have lost the time and the points its not fair please lets do something about it now WGT.

    Agree Tony.  Quitters suck and ruin the game.  Have tried numerous occasions attempting to pick up experience points for playing a multi player game only to have the other players quite mid round.  It usually starts once they start stinking it up.  It's as if they are afraid their precious average will shoot up if they continue their crap round.  

    There really should be some form of penalty for them or incentive to keep them in the game.  And the ones in this thread making light of your opening post are probably the same ones that are quitting at the drop of a hat.  

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 7:18 PM

    There really should be some form of penalty for them or incentive to keep them in the game.  And the ones in this thread making light of your opening post are probably the same ones that are quitting at the drop of a hat.  


    Sleestack its not his post that people are bothered with. (even though there are probably 50 posts on this subject already) Its the fact that if you read the Forum it is under. This is the "Tournament & Contests Thread" not the complaint department. 

    Had he done a proper search and used this forum correctly I am certain he would not have received the replies he got. 


  • luweegee
    6 Posts
    Sun, Jul 1 2012 7:26 PM

    2 day ban might be pushing it,there are times I personally lose connection and it has messed up the game I was in.There isnt anything anyone can do when that happens.Everyone knows its frustrating but realisticly how would you beable to determine if the player left the game or lost connection ? There might be a way to push for a 1 hour ban with a given of the doubt for a player either has left on his or her own accord or kicked out of the game due to a bad connection.either way you would get a penalty ban for a specific amt of time It would have to be one of the two evils.A understanding would have to be posted in a forum stating the problems of Losing connection or just leaving the game because he or she is having a bad hair day on the course.The WGT community would have to agree to something like a 1 hour ban[or whatever amt of time][for either infraction] [losing connection or dropping out of game]by a 48 hr vote by the WGT community on a specific time that a player would be banned for a length of time that the WGT would come up with.This way the WGT community would have had been informed of the vote and for what reason and let the WGT community decide this way there wont be any squibble squabbles about the action against any player the the WGT community decided on.So if anyone has a better idea or how a penalty should be imposed please speak up because it will in my opinion help the game and will also keep the sandbaggers from sandbaggin

  • Tony2443239
    29 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 11:11 AM

    as far as iam aware this is my first time in the forum and i did look all over to find how to post a comlaint so for that i apologize that being the fact still stands that something should be dont to stop it.

  • Kaloke
    232 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 5:12 PM

    I agree, but there are many threads about this same matter. It is hard for WGT to penalize quitters because there is no way to find out if they actually quit, or they lost their internet connection. I have never quit on purpose and only one time since I been playing this game that I lost my internet. I apologized to that player as soon as I could get back on. They sent me a nasty message saying I was a quitter and spread the word around that I quit. That thread has been long removed and that player actually sent a message to me apologizing.

    If you are in a game with someone and they quit, make sure they actually quit and did not get disconnected. If you know for sure they quit, just block that player. I have blocked one just today for quitting on me last night. Goto ACCOUNT, next to my messages and all the way to your right click on block players.


  • rjs1969
    196 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:56 PM

    Penalize those who quit just before their last shot on the last hole!  That is an act of pure malice.  Plus extremely  poor sportsmanship. I seriously doubt this type of offender, had a "disconnect" created by internet problems.  

  • Timmytoastman
    569 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 5:15 AM

    Just what is the reputation icon for when your setting up a game? Mine does'nt work, how about yours?

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