Hi, I didn't see this suggestion anywhere, so I'll throw it out there at the risk of being duplicative.
Would it be possible to see where your opponent/other players hit on their meter? Did they "ding" it? Did they miss by a huge margin? I'm always curious. If I play with friends, they'll tell me how they did, but others don't. I'd be curious to learn if it was a physical mistake (i.e. a bad click) or a mental mistake (i.e. bad club selection or aim) that led to the shot someone else played.
Along those same lines, could we see what club is being selected in MP? In real life you can see what club your fellow competitors are playing, so it would give you some idea on how to play your own shot. Thus, there is an advantage to going last in the group since you can see how everyone else did.
I think there are pros and cons to allowing others to see your club selection and shot. Maybe it could be turned on or off before the match.
BTW - I'm not suggesting we see their meter in real time - I'm just saying as they hit, we see on our own meter a line designating where they hit, or a corresponding "ding" if they hit the center, along with what club they hit.