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Re: Camera pans

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 9 2010 10:21 AM (5 replies)
  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Thu, May 6 2010 4:59 AM

    Would it be possible to implement panoramic veiws? Especially around and on the greens. It would be nice to be able to read the greens from all sides.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 6 2010 5:30 AM

    The reverse green view does this but is usually too high. A ground level view from there would sure help but I doubt the photographer's going to lay down on the ground 360 times around the hole to get it.

  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Thu, May 6 2010 10:16 AM

    I'm not asking for a ground level veiw (would be nice,lol). Just to be able to pan around to get a better read on the topography. Most times the zoom will give you an unusual veiw where you can't really see the lay of the land.

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Thu, May 6 2010 1:53 PM

    Hi darkage,

    Unfortunately that's not possible right now because the green grid is not programmed to be read (or viewed) from a side-angle.  Perhaps one day in the future we can look into that possibility, but it would require some serious re-working of the program to accomplish. Thanks for offering the suggestion though. =)

  • micklen
    221 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 2:09 PM

    My thought on this would be to have a standard view on putting directly behind the player showing the line of the putt, rather than the ones we get now from many different angles sometimes making the lining up of the putt very difficult as often when you go to reverse view that can be at an angle as well

    This would also apply to chipping distance as well as sometimes the camera angle is so bad you can barely see your player

    Now you might say it's not 100% necessary to have a view directly behind the player for set up but this is simply my view and I like to have a view of putts and chips from directly behind the golfer.   Well actually I would like to have a view directly behind the golfer for all shots,  But one step at a time



  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 10:21 AM

    I think a useful feature in multi-play rounds would to be able to see the putting grid as each player in the group plans his/her shot. It would assist the other players in planning their shots and maybe speed up the game for those that prefer hurry-up golf.