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Thu, Jul 12 2012 10:01 AM (1 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2012 9:35 AM

    I was reading a thread earlier, and  noticed that this player had the nation flag . I looked up their profile and it was very odd. Now according to the rules of membership, the Nation is open to Legends and players Lvl 90 and above. Also a limited number of other top customers. So how did a HACK lvl 77, being a member since 8/6/2011 become a top customer  and receive an invite?  Now I`m not hating just curious, can somebody explain?This whole account, seems kind of shady, and maybe WGT needs to take a closer look at it

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2012 10:01 AM

    Deposit a lot of money to buy credits and I would think that would qualify you as a top customer no matter what your skill level is.

    Not knowing the player or the history, did he/she show a heavy increase in game play around the time the invites were sent out? Maybe WGT was taking that into consideration.

     I believe I got my invite because I've been a member for over 5 years. Maybe this account is someone else who has stuck it out for just as long, has played honorably and just needed a new account for a legitimate reason.

    "Top customers" means just that. They're not all legends and shooting the lowest scores. Given the large number of things that can cause one to be considered a top customer, I don't see a problem here at all.