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Re: Putt Step idea.

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Mon, Jul 30 2012 2:54 PM (7 replies)
  • Rekiznu
    133 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 8:07 AM


    The putter stepping that wgt has in place is very flustrating, as for a 8 foot downhill put 2 inchs, on a nike medthod putter, you default to 20 ft step not 10.  To fix this would it be posssible to add a user interface where they could set the step that comes at at diffrent yardages, for me and my medthod i woud rather have it setup to what the putt can hit, not what you think it should be. so my first two putter steps of 10 ft and 20 ft would up up if yardage was:

    step 1 0 to 13.99 yards.

    step 2 14 to 26.99 yards


    David Hunziker

    Retired Game play counslor, product tester, product testing tech. Nintendo of America.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 11:06 AM

    Hi Dave,

    the game is not designed to automate club selection. Caddy has large margin of error for that very reason. He is just a caddy after all, and every shot requires editing and adjusting and so on.


  • Rekiznu
    133 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 2:30 PM

    thats why you need to program in a caddy so we the players can input default club for a default length, your caddy would have been fired before half the loop was over handing a 20 ft putter for a 8.9 down 3 inch putt.


  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sun, Jul 29 2012 3:50 PM

    i think wgt adding more programming vs the user clicking one silly button is an obvious decision.  click the button and putt away :)

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 1:02 PM

    I know the caddy can be a bit stupid, to put it mildly, sometimes but it's up to us as players to make sure we have the club and meter we want before playing a shot.

    What catches me out fairly regularly is the caddy giving me the wrong meter for a putt, which I naturally change it for the one I want.  However, in lining the putt up I use the pitch view.  And then I forget that when I go back to putter I also get the original meter back again.  The sound of me slapping my head as a putt races past or stops half way is all too often heard round here.

  • gbarto
    141 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 2:32 PM bout when when you do it on last hole of a potential all time best round?!? lol.... kinda makes you wanna drink a big cup of draino.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 2:48 PM

    Much like Tiger Woods, at some point we have to quit blaming our caddy and hit the darn ball.  I have my frustrations with the clubs as well, mainly when the putter gives you a 20 foot range on a 5 foot putt but I can't blame him, I didn't look and I hit the ball.

    Ultimately it is the responsibility of the golfer.  You can still point and your caddy and shrug when a shot flies offline like the pros do if it makes you feel better.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 2:54 PM


    thats why you need to program in a caddy so we the players can input default club for a default length, your caddy would have been fired before half the loop was over handing a 20 ft putter for a 8.9 down 3 inch putt.


    In reality, that would be very complex. 11 yards from the pin, should I chip or pitch? At 16 yards - maybe a flop? Depends a lot on the green and above all, the distance to the green. Maybe should be a "no selection" where WGT simply does not select anything at all, you stand there empty handed. I do not like the way WGT selects chip as soon as you are closer than 30 yards from the green. In the majority of the cases, a chip is not even possible from that position. Then I'd rather it selected nothing at all. If nothing at all, it should select pitch rather than chip since that shot is more likely to at least reach the green

    I think it usually select the right distance, but yes, if the putt length is close to a new scale, it usually selects the longer scale although it is not necessary. I have started to get used to it, but is has cost me quite a few shots until now.