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Re: Outrageous!

Thu, Aug 2 2012 7:39 PM (8 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 6:30 AM

    "A Pakistani woman whose nose was cut off by her husband 32 years ago says she has been brought back from the dead after surgery which gave her a new nose."


    This type of crap really outrages me.

    Honour killings / mutilations.

    There is no room in today's world society for scumbags like this woman's husband. 

    Any man abusing a woman is no man at all.

    I could care less if anyone chimes in..."it's their way of life...their culture" bla bla.

    I do not buy that whatsoever.

    They are no more than murderers and beasts and should be dealt with as such regardless or race, creed, colour or where they are from.

    Honour killing my ar$e.....try calling it what is's murder........nothing more nothing less.

    Luckily this woman lived....most likely cause her husband bottled out like the weak looking pr1ck he is. He even goes on to say whatever caused the violence all the years ago was her fault.

    I'm glad I wasn't the cameraman. I'd had made him eat it sideways.

    So called "Honour killings" are not just part of Pakistani life. There have been many cases went to court here in the UK where Pakistani folks think they can just slice and dice their daughters because the daughter has fell in love with either a white male or a man her family disapprove of.

    Luckily here in the UK we are civilised and jail people who carry out such acts of depravity.


  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 2:07 PM

    Luckily here in the UK we are civilised

    What is civilized? Is the UK/America really free? or do we just feel free when we compare ourselves to other countries.  

    Dont worry, with technology allowing people to communicate all around the world cheaper, its just a matter of time before these acts cease......

  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 2:25 PM


    Luckily here in the UK we are civilised

    What is civilized? Is the UK/America really free? or do we just feel free when we compare ourselves to other countries.  

    Dont worry, with technology allowing people to communicate all around the world cheaper, its just a matter of time before these acts cease......

    Not so long as their Governments and Religious leaders keep them ignorant. An ignorant populace is easy to control with religion, just ask any Muslim Extremist (or any religious extremist for that matter).

    just one man's opinion,


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 5:10 PM


    Luckily here in the UK we are civilised

    What is civilized? Is the UK/America really free? or do we just feel free when we compare ourselves to other countries.  

    civilised is having a high state of culture and development both social and technological.

    there's no such thing as free it or loathe it we're controlled to a high degree and it's only going to get even more controlled with things like the "cashless society" governments/banks keep trying to force on us.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 5:46 PM

    WOW, forget your beliefs, religious or other wise, when you abuse another human being, mentally, physically, or otherwise, you deserve the same fate as a manged dog. I have no time or patience for this Bull$hit. When you think you have the right to decide another human beings life you are a sick son of a B--ch and need  to be put down. I chose my wife, have been married for 42 years, no one told me no. Some places on earth need to be turned into a parking lot. Enough of the thousands of years of nonsense. For the true believers, is this what God meant???

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 7:02 PM



    Luckily here in the UK we are civilised

    What is civilized? Is the UK/America really free? or do we just feel free when we compare ourselves to other countries.  

    civilised is having a high state of culture and development both social and technological.

    there's no such thing as free it or loathe it we're controlled to a high degree and it's only going to get even more controlled with things like the "cashless society" governments/banks keep trying to force on us.


    Well said...:)


  • kingpin82
    145 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 7:26 PM

    Damn, was hoping this post would help me with my meter issues :\

    i'll try somewhere else.

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 7:34 PM


    Damn, was hoping this post would help me with my meter issues :\

    i'll try somewhere else.


  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 7:39 PM

    I agree whole-heartedly with the above, and in trying to come to some limited understanding of man's inhumanity towards man ( or women,or animals for that matter) I can only say while inexcusable by any means, as our world overpopulates and expands at an ever increasing rate, what used to be isolated incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. I believe it was Heinlien in his book "Stand on Zanzibar" who phrophesized a world where (because of over-population) people became desensitized to their own humanity thus allowing such atrocious acts. Yes, our world now is based on information, however, information can only report what has been done, until the sad situations that drive people to such extremes can be addressed ,expect more of the same.
