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Re: Why not use Adobe Air?

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 4 2012 1:09 AM (7 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 4:01 PM

    I was wondering - it would be very easy to make this game run as a "proper" application using Adobe Air rather than the normal browser plugin. Code for both version would be pretty identical  and new players could use the browser and returning player  could run it in Air with (very much) increased performance. 


    Why not? 

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 11:17 PM

    maybe because wgt target market is the facebook crowd who can barely  turn on their 300 dollar walmart laptop

    and wtf is adobe air, flash 2.0?

    do you really think people who can't even tame web browsers and flash would be able to figure out "air"?


    Click any key to install now!

    where's the any key?

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 11:47 PM


    Click any key to install now!

    where's the any key?



    The same people who can't find the 11 on the phone to call 911 ;-)

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 12:13 AM


    maybe because wgt target market is the facebook crowd who can barely  turn on their 300 dollar walmart laptop

    and wtf is adobe air, flash 2.0?

    do you really think people who can't even tame web browsers and flash would be able to figure out "air"?


    Click any key to install now!

    where's the any key?

    That is why Air is good - the current method would still be available but those people. 

    Admit it - you have no idea what Adobe Air is? 


  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 12:33 AM

    stfu, i don't need to know what adobe air is, i need look no further than "adobe" makers or rather the buy outers of macromedia flash, which has been a piece of crap since release over 13 years ago.

    ok, i googled it,

    looks like a piece of crap for lazy stupid  "programmers" incorporates flash AND java AND scripts. now there is a recipe for success if i ever saw one

    use your brain... if AIR was the answer, then wgt would be using it.

    wgt uses CS suite 4, which is 2 version behind and they cant even get that right

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 12:44 AM

    Hehe, you should have googled before you made your first reply if you did not want to appear to be one those people you attempted to belittle :)

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 12:56 AM


    Hehe, you should have googled before you made your first reply if you did not want to appear to be one those people you attempted to belittle :)

    nah, no need to google anything where adobe is concerned, hence your witty reply

    flash = lame, adobe = current owner of lame

    wgt = using lame to make money off of lovers of golf

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 1:09 AM

    But Lame comes in different colours and sizes.