1.clear this cach
2.clear that cache
3.don't forget this cache either
4.get your ball boosters
5.buy several programs to make your meter smooth.
6 buy a computer that smooths your meter out thats not made yet.probably wont work but keep buying until the right one comes on the market.
7.make sure you have the right flash .latest technology is not good enough.
8.if that doesn't work change your browser to chrome.not working? change to comodo.ok not working either? try ramrod ,silly willy, or hook up to to your grandmothers victrola.
10 finally-- get a good 8 hrs. of sleep and eat 3 well balanced meals.your already to go.
other things you should be aware of:
not getting paid for surveys?who cares it their fault.
meter still not working ?who cares its your fault.
other issues who cares its not wgts fault
geezus i feel like an earth quake is coming.
But feel secure that when you purchase slower metered balls and clubs they won't be slower after the 1st day , but the money acceptance for the purchases works 100%
Do you feel like your being suckered?