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Re: Full Screen Chat (About Time Yet?)

Wed, Aug 8 2012 6:31 PM (9 replies)
  • SpencerS25
    123 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 4:36 PM

    Hi WGT I would like to ask you guys when you're going to let us chat in full screen. It seems unreasonable as to why you would have to exit full screen to type. I'm guessing you guys haven't even tried to fix it yet. Otherwise if you have tried, it would've been done by now as this game is going on its 4th consecutive year since it was released. I know it can be done, I have played web browser games that go full screen and you can type. Please take this into consideration as it would seriously be a good improvement that a lot of players would enjoy to see you guys make. 

    Best Regards,


    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 3:28 AM

    This is a golf game , not a chat room. 

    The chat window in itself is ample for idle niceties. 

    Be lucky that in game chat is there.

    What we need is the ability to have a lobby in which people meet to begin a game and then reassemble afterward. The current inbox/ message system is woeful.



    By the way, why is all your post in BOLD?

    There is a formatting bar that can help you make you text look normal.


  • SpencerS25
    123 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 3:39 PM


    This is a golf game , not a chat room. 

    The chat window in itself is ample for idle niceties. 

    Be lucky that in game chat is there.

    What we need is the ability to have a lobby in which people meet to begin a game and then reassemble afterward. The current inbox/ message system is woeful.



    By the way, why is all your post in BOLD?

    There is a formatting bar that can help you make you text look normal.


    I'm sorry but I oppose your statement, sir. I believe in the game of golf, people enjoy speaking to their partners, and their opponents. 

    Bold is easier for me to read. I'll make less typos :)

  • TGor
    313 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 5:24 PM

     On my computer. Windows XP. I can hit F11 first thing when gameclient starts, it will go into full-screen mode and allow chat.

  • StormTigers
    264 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 6:15 PM


    What we need is the ability to have a lobby in which people meet to begin a game and then reassemble afterward. The current inbox/ message system is woeful.

    An enormous +1 to that suggestion !

    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 7:31 PM

    I'm sorry but I oppose your statement, sir. I believe in the game of golf, people enjoy speaking to their partners, and their opponents. 

    There is a chat facility in the game window, You have up to 90secs to play, bring in afull scale chat and you will then be asking for 120sec to play because you dont have enough time to chat.

    If you REALLY need a full time chat window use an external program you and your friends can use. There are several free web based solutions for you or you can use MSN/ Skype et al.

    Bold is easier for me to read. I'll make less typos :)

    Its just rude. its not Nettiquete. Its like using ALL CAPS.

    Here read up:





  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 8:10 PM

    +1 Dont know why its not allowed to chat in fullscreen, really annoying...

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 8:26 PM


     On my computer. Windows XP. I can hit F11 first thing when gameclient starts, it will go into full-screen mode and allow chat.

    Yes but after you do that then click on the full screen from the game client window it gives you a wider meter and better view for some. But you cant type or submit bug reports when you are in the game client full window. It sucks to have to click that full screen menu just to chat.

    Some players would rather just play but a lot of players do like trash talking and getting to know their opponent as well. Seems WGT should fix that . I agree with the OP and it should be an easy fix.

  • SpencerS25
    123 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2012 11:25 AM


    There is a chat facility in the game window, You have up to 90secs to play, bring in afull scale chat and you will then be asking for 120sec to play because you dont have enough time to chat.

    If you REALLY need a full time chat window use an external program you and your friends can use. There are several free web based solutions for you or you can use MSN/ Skype et al.

    Its just rude. its not Nettiquete. Its like using ALL CAPS.

    Here read up:





    What is up your ***? You are the quite rude one, I was just throwing out a suggestion I would like to see happen. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it. And no I would not want 120 seconds to chat. And honestly I do not care what you think about how my text looks. For all, we all have our own opinions, rude one.

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2012 6:31 PM

    What is up your ***?


    ohhh geez.

    Mate, your full screen Utopia aint going to happen.

    I gave you options.