Ok so... sorry if this is a repeat of a previous post. I didn't have time to go through them.
Everyone has at one time or another used balls other than the standard freebies. When we do use them per the wgt pro shop almost all balls say "increased distance, spin, etc etc"... So... the thought is this... if you're going to use a credit bought ball that increases distance I strongly feel and so does my entire country club of feel that the display that shows the distance next to the current club you have selected to use should be adjusted to display the avg distance "including" that of the ball you're using as well.
For example: I'm using a R11S driver it's estimated distance is 284 yards (lovely)... now if I decide to throw on one of the fabled calloway and or nike balls that have increased distance properties that 284 (or whatever distance related to whatever club you're using) should also be increased. So if a Nike can potentially add 20 (not sure of exact extra distance but you get the jist) extra yards to any shot... that 284 should say 304 as now it's also including the "potential" distance from using the credit ball.
Why should that be added? Well it'll drastically increase peoples games, by helping with shot selection, which in turn should help increase scores. It'll reduce the numbers of balls lost due to distance calculation errors which increases player morale. If i had a dollar for every time i was playing with someone that lost a ball due to water or weeds or obstacle because they mis-calculated range while using a credit ball I could supply my whole CC with a sleeve of Nikes. In any event I strongly believe this to be a fabulous addition to add. Please consider it. I'm going to try having my CC add their thoughts to this as well. Thank you and have a great day.