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Re: Pro Leading Monthly Earnings Leaderboard

Sun, Aug 12 2012 8:06 AM (25 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 6:12 PM

    Sorry TBE, got off track. WGT should post the winners of every tourney. What is the secret? This would stop all the second guessing on how, did so and so do whatever. They don't need to hire anyone to post my winnings.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 6:29 PM


    YEAH TBE look what you started.

    In reality WGT could stop a lot of this talk by posting the winners of the random draws and other tournaments for us all to see.

    I have played with 3 people who told me that they won the US Open random drawing and today I saw that all three of them didn't win it.

    Come on WGT just put up an information topic in the forums that tell us the winners of the weekly, monthly, etc. tournaments it can't be that hard to do.  I hate to see people calling out a new honest player who just happens to be lucky enough to win a large prize.

    There is a Section in the Forums for just this type of thing.  The section that I can't start a new post

    Esssy, I think you have to go back to basics mate. This game is starting to bring you down, big time.... Bring back those moving Pictures, that some of us    and start enjoying the game again :) 



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 7:59 PM

    why is it so hush hush anyway who the random winners are?

    this is what fuels conspiracies lol.

    would it be so difficult for wgt to add them in the "winners section" .....I mean that's why it's there right? to let folks know who the winners are.

    the way it is just now is only leading to speculation.

    i think anyone winning $1500 - $3500 prizes should be added to the winners section of the forum just so things are more transparent.

    and mail esssy some prozac.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 8:15 PM


    why is it so hush hush anyway who the random winners are?

    this is what fuels conspiracies lol.

    would it be so difficult for wgt to add them in the "winners section" .....I mean that's why it's there right? to let folks know who the winners are.

    the way it is just now is only leading to speculation.

    i think anyone winning $1500 - $3500 prizes should be added to the winners section of the forum just so things are more transparent.

    and mail esssy some prozac.


    Yes... that's the Section... might get rid of the latest post that was closed for Replies

    I agree Tbe...  why keep the winners a big secret, unless Wgt has something to hide...

    Whaaack.... it's ok I gave meself a backhand at my last statement...   

    We like to know the winners of any Tourny, regardless of Tiers :)

    Don't know about prozac, but the big thing down here is Stillnox... I think that's what it is... sleeping tablets.....


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 8:06 AM


    nah just give me some M & Ms atom 3lol and i might see things differently lol 

    Live on a ranch, hey....:)

    ps, sorry to hear of your countries, "socialistic" tax structure!