Can somebody assist me please? Before entering a ready go I know you can check the green speed and wind conditions but is there any way in which you can find out which tees the tournament is being played from?
I am fed up with teeing up, not realising I'm playing from a forward tee, then merrily blootering the drive into the weeds/fescue/OB and losing a ball.
All my own fault I realise, not concentrating, which results in me getting what I deserve. This morning I was so stupid I lost a ball on the 2nd at Kiawah and by the time the 4th tee came round I'd forgotten again, lmao. A 3,6,2,6,2 start had my monitor sprayed with Cornflakes from laughing.
I'm not a big fan of forward tees in RGs, what with the equipment and balls we now have. Combine these with an empty head and it's a recipe for disaster as all too often it leads to the wrong shot being played and another ball goes missing.
Anyways back to the original point, any help would be appreciated. Keep it simple though as I may forget 5 mins after reading the solution. Utter fud of a man sometimes :^)