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Legend Floating Average

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 11 2012 8:48 PM (0 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 11 2012 8:48 PM

    Just a suggestion for Wgt to think about...

    The Floating Average we have at moment is great....  

    I think that wgt should keep that floating Average for Legends as a permanent fixture.

    My Ave. at the moment is 60.67 and since the Floating Average started( I think I had a Ave of 60.45)... last week I struggled to get close to my Average, but today have hit some pretty good scores (for me at least). I rarely break the 60, regardless of any course I play or Tee's I'm hitting off. I have the problem of not putting together 2 nines together.....   Eg Cabo 18hole R/Go.. 28 F9  33 B9....   and today at St.A  29 F9.. and pared the next 3 holes (thinking here we go again) but ended the round with a 60 (Yeah

    I'm not the one to Sandbag.. play all my games to the best of my ability..  St.A for me now is tough, Beth being the easiest for me now, I try to play all the courses, Avoiding Whistler and  but give it time, I will venture playing those courses more regulary.

    Before the Floating came... I was still shooting the same scores or there abouts but every now and again I have the odd great round... causing my Average to drop.

    Just Saying
