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Re: Forum concept

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 13 2012 6:25 AM (7 replies)
  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 9:49 AM

    Can you install a 'user control panel?'  Lots of other forums have them so you can quickly see which threads you are following.  I know I can email myself, but it's a pain to go back and forth to email when all I really want to see is the certain thread I'm watching.  It would make the experience more user-friendly.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 11:17 AM

    There's a My Discussions box, bottom right of this page. Any good?

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 11:51 AM

    I suppose that works.  Thanks for pointing it out....and curing my inner dumb*ss for this hour.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 12:12 PM


    I suppose that works.  Thanks for pointing it out....and curing my inner dumb*ss for this hour.

    LOL. Took me a while to figure it out at first. Bookmark the Active Threads and the My Discussions and you will see everything at a glance without having to hit the main forum page or the WGT page.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 4:54 PM

    Bookmarking would be even better.  The "my discussions" gives me a lot I don't care to follow.  But, I never delete my bookmarks,  I'll figure it out.  Thanks, guys.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 6:19 PM

    The "my discussions" gives me a lot I don't care to follow.

    Those are only the threads you posted in!

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sun, Aug 12 2012 6:29 PM


    I suppose that works.  Thanks for pointing it out....and curing my inner dumb*ss for this hour.




  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Mon, Aug 13 2012 6:25 AM

    I know, but it took me awhile of trying to use the tool to figure out what it's doing.

    The 'My Discussions' box is subforum specific.  If I click on Equip and Avs, it only shows what I've posted on it THAT subforum.  That threw me off at first because some of the 4th and 5th 'threads' were some that I hadn't posted in for a long while and ones I no longer cared to follow at the time.  Hence, my confusion.

    But, I got it now.  Momma didn't raise no dummy......but she sure gave birth to one.